On 5/31/05, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I always thought you could have Ent Manager at no cost, what type of
> > licensing issues prevent you from having it on your home computer?

I find MS licensing documents to be a bear to read through -- but it's
easy enough to cut through the fog and buy SQL Server Developer
Edition ($50) which bundles the tools. Or an MSDN subscription (which
is much more).
> Yeah..I'm pretty sure you're right Aaron...and nowadays there is MS SQL
> Express/Lite...and I think that is free as well (or use MSDE)

MSDE doesn't come with licenses for Query Analyzer or Enterprise
Manager (very clear in the MS features by edition matrix). And
considering that the new management tools for MS-SQL 2005 plug into MS
Studio it will be interesting to see how those are licensed.

So the MSDE/MS-SQL 2005 Express *db* is free, but you've got to buy
the management tools (even if it's only $50).
> Cheers
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> phone: 250.480.0642
> fax: 250.480.1264
> cell: 250.920.8830
> web: www.electricedgesystems.com.cfm/54

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