On 5/31/05, Matt Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/31/05, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Of course MySQL allows NULLs in NOT NULL fields among other "features" ;-)
> Not that I want to work too hard to paw fresh kitty litter over this
> lump of poop (i.e. I agree its a flaw), but all this really does is
> allow some jackass to screw up prior to initial testing.  Personally I
> may put a null or a not null value into a field but I always make sure
> I put in something that belongs there via a variety of tools at hand;
> and never let the db decide -- on purpose, anyway -- whether I screwed
> up or not.

What's the example of the situation you NULL issue -- a simple SQL
example would help me figure out exactly what situation you're talking
John Paul Ashenfelter
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