On 5/31/05, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What's the example of the situation you NULL issue -- a simple SQL
> > example would help me figure out exactly what situation you're talking
> > about.
> Simple...and there is no SQL behind it..the DB screwed the data
> Took over  a project using MySQL 4.1.x.  In trying to import the DB into
> MS-SQL 2000 I found errors which related to NULL values being in NOT NULL
> constrained columns.  So MS-SQL correctly found the constraint and would not
> allow the bad entries to be imported ;-)

There are scenarios where the same thing happens in MS-SQL. You can do
just about anything to a column constraint if you add it *after* data
is in the table using ALTER TABLE .... WITH NOCHECK for example. If
the DBA is screwing up the data, there's not a lot *any* database can
do to help -- a constraint only works if it's in effect when the data
is being entered, which is definitely the case on a bulk import.

MySQL wouldn't import that data by default either :)

John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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