On Thursday 02 June 2005 09:35, Kevin Aebig wrote:
> Coldfusion... PHP... dotNET... truely guys, its all the same thing with
> different implementations.
> Now Perl on the other hand.... Why won't that language just die already...

For CGI scripting, Perl has its uses (though I personally haven't used it for 
that purpose in years).  For server-side scripting, though -- like when you 
need to go through all 4,000 files in all 600 subdirectories from your 
webroot with a specific naming convention and replace the form action tag 
with with a new string, the contents of which depend on the name of the 
directory just above the current subdirectory if that directory name contains 
a capital letter or a number -- why there ain't nothin' better than Perl.  
Pound out a four line script, chmod to executable, execute it with perl -w 
script_name.pl, and you're in business.  Assuming you know what the heck 
you're doing with those regular expressions.

And yes, that is something I really have faced.  Several times.

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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