
They have delivered a wonderful piece of work, but I must say that this
real world example shows again, why Flex is not mature yet for full
blown applications in the browser. 

Expanding and collapsing brings my dual core system on its knees, not to
mention resizing the window resulting in the exact same effect.
Scrolling the grid with the handle on a 3Ghz CPU has the exact same

Either way, they did a great job and I applaud what they did, but it
doesn't position Flex in my eyes as THE tool for building truly Rich
Internet Applications, ... not yet. For small widgets, are as GUI
enhancements it is ready though.

Curious though what were the investments involved when talking about
time, money, and resources.

Micha Schopman
Project Manager

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Chambers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: maandag 1 augustus 2005 5:54
To: CF-Talk
Subject: fyi : Nice MXNA app built with CFForms


Nice MXNA app built with CFForms...


mike chambers


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