Well, if it's happening in Query Analyzer, then it's not CF that's
causing the problem.  CF's not in the mix at all at that point.  Did
your SQL server get patched without you knowing or anything?


On 8/9/05, jonese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is definatly a sql issue because when i copy out the queries and past
> them into enterprise manager or query analyzer i get the same error.
> It's not random it happens on the same query on every site which has 2
> tables with the same column name (in this case archive).
> I've changed the query to referance the column as tablename.column name and
> this has resolved the error for our users but i'm still curious as to why
> this suddenly started appearing with CF7.
> an example query would be like so:
> SELECT #preserveSingleQuotes(CompanyNewsTitle)# AS thisValue, companyNewsid
> AS thisID, ordinal, ISNULL(active, 1) AS Active
> FROM companyNews
> WHERE companynewsid NOT IN
> (SELECT companynews.companynewsid
> FROM version
> INNER JOIN companynews
> ON version.instanceItemID = companynews.companynewsid
> WHERE formobjectitemid = 134 AND archive = 1)
> jonese
Barney Boisvert

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