>That seems to say to me that it is based on ECMA script (as is AS2) but
>deviates from it in a number of ways.

Laszlo's scripting language is ECMAScript (not a proprietary language, as you 
stated in your original post).  The 'deviations' you note are bugs.  Bugs don't 
make a proprietary language.

AS2 is based on ECMAScript, but is a proprietary language because it is defined 
by Macromedia, not by the ECMAScript standard.

Perhaps it is a subtle point.

As I am sure you are aware, most of the 'deviations' from ECMAScript in Laszlo 
are due to using the Flash player as the (current) runtime target.  (I'm not 
knocking the Flash player.  It is an excellent piece of engineering.)

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