Well I find them very handy.

For example.

I have a trigger that detects when a client account  is deactivated, and
then automatically deactivates all other records in related tables as well. 
No different than using the cascade update and delete triggers that are
there by default.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: 18 August 2005 12:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: @@Identity returns excessive records

Well, they are unmanageable in the most part - unnecessary.

-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2005 12:48
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: @@Identity returns excessive records

I like them.
What have they done to you?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: 18 August 2005 09:35
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: @@Identity returns excessive records

Avoid triggers if you can - they are horrible ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: David Manriquez Farias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 August 2005 15:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: @@Identity returns excessive records

Did you tired using a trigger to return the  inserted id?..

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Dan O'Keefe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: Wednesday, August
17, 2005 10:37 AM
Para: CF-Talk
Asunto: Re: @@Identity returns excessive records

I am not using SET NOCOUNT ON/OFF but using it did not make a difference.
Using SCOPE_IDENTITY() ensures your ID is at least in the same scope, but I
get the same results.


> I haven't used this method in a long time because now I use UUID()s as 
> my
unique record identifier and since I create the UUID before I do the Insert,
I have access to it.
> I don't have the syntax handy, but are you using the SET NOCOUNT ON 
> and
SET NOCOUNT OFF?  That might be it.
> FWIW, I have read some research that @@IDENTITY will not always 
> provide
you with the proper ID, especially in multi-user environments (which the web
most certainly is) and leaves the possibility of returning the wrong
IDENTITY id.  This is why I switched to using UUID's.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan O'Keefe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:12 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: @@Identity returns excessive records
> If I copy and paste my tSQL into query analyzer:
> INSERT INTO tblArActivityNote (patientID,UserID,note) 
> VALUES(238,1,'Letter 2 printed & mailed for DOS(s)' + ' 01/19/04') go 
> select @@IDENTITY as ID from tblArActivityNote go
> My PK-IdentityID column in tblAractivityNote is AractivityNoteID. If 
> the insert created a AractivityNoteID= 295256, the select @@identity 
> returns 295256 rows with the same value, 295256.
> Weird, huh?
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