> On Wednesday 17 August 2005 19:11, Jason Brown wrote:
>> The shopping cart at www.fitzandfloyd.com is exactly what
>> I am looking

> Hmm.
> Slow.
> Vulnerable to cookie stealing/replay attacks (cut'n'paste
> URL from Konq. to Firefox, keeps on ticking).

That's an attack?... I don't get it ... Are you saying that someone
would resubmit the shopping cart with their session from another
location after sniffing the http request and make them buy extra
stuff? How would they get the CC #? And why would they do that?

> And what the hell does 'Fitz and floyd online --
> 877.653.2529' mean ? That's not their web address,
> can't be an IP. Maybe it's a phone number, but the
> format is bonkers and in any case, this is an
> online shop. During checkout.

That's a fairly common format for phone numbers... You don't get out
much do you?

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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