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Jim Davis wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:08 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: Re: Ajax and CFCs
>>On Thursday 18 August 2005 10:04, Micha Schopman wrote:
>>>Microsoft provides a free webservice.htc to accommodate SOAP operations
>>>with Javascript.
>>..htc aren't real web pages.
> Well - they're not web pages at all.  ;^)
> "HTC" is a "Hyper Text Component" - basically an encapsulated behavior.  It
> can't be used on it's own at all.  HTCs are used to extend HTML pages and 
> HTA applications.
> There are still several problems with the HTC however (I evaluated it
> extensively):
> +) It doesn't work with CF web services.  It just doesn't.  There's a hacked
> version floating around from Bill Hepola that fixes some of the problems...
> but even then you can only pass simple data (the complex data structures in
> SOAP differ between CF and .NET and only the .NET ones are supported).
> +) It only works on IE 5 or above.  Nothing else.  (This actually would have
> been fine for me since I'm actually building an HTA... but the other
> problems scuttled it.)
> +) MS no longer supports this component.  They also no longer support the
> replacement for this component (the SOAP com library).  As of now they SOAP
> natively in .NET and that's it - no more extensions/libraries.
> +) Using this extension is tedious.  HTC's are DHTML behaviors (actually a
> great concept unique to IE 5+) so you must link the behavior to the style of
> an element.  This works and all but the forced coupling of what should be a
> low-level transfer library to the interface seems very odd.  There really
> nothing in the code that couldn't have been done in "regular" JavaScript...
> unless they just used an HTC to explicitly force the idea of IE 5+.
> All told I worked for several days trying to get this HTC to work with even
> simple CF or Java services and got no joy.
> But if you're doing IE 5+ development against a .NET server it should
> actually be quite nice to work with.  ;^)
> Jim Davis

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