> So, I'm working on a dev box here in the office, and I'd
> like to turn debugging on for some work I'm doing, but for
> various reasons, I don't want it to be on for anyone that
> is browsing sites.  What I'd like it to do is to have
> debugging turned on for me only.  I see that you can
> specify IP's, but I can't seem to get the results that I
> want.  Shouldn't I only have to enter the IP of my machine
> and it will only output debugging for me?  Or do I have
> this concept backwards or something?

Hi Ray, you are correct that you should only list the IP addresses that you
WANT to see the debugging info in the CF admin.  When you say you don't get
desired results, does that mean you are listing your IP but clients are also
seeing the debugging output?  Or are there other developers on your network
that are also seeing the debugging output as well?  As Scott suggested,
check to ensure you have your proper IP address listed in the admin.

-Justin Scott | GravityFree 
 Senior Programmer / Product Engineer

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