I'm trying to set up a local dev/testing environment on my PC, using CFMX 6.1 
and SQL Server 2000 (both installed on my local box).  I've got the correct un 
and pw for CF to get into the database, but each time I try to set the DSN in 
CF administrator, it gives me an error saying:

"Connection verification failed for data source: Localdb 
[]java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing 
socket. Connection refused: connect The root cause was that: 
java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing 
socket. Connection refused: connect"

Which sounds like it isn't a un/pw problem, but an outright refusal of SQL 
server to allow the CF app server any connection at all.  Am I overlooking 
something?  In CF admin, the info for the DSN is simple - data source name is 
localdb, name of the database in SQL is localdb, server is localhost, un is 
"sa", and pw has been entered correctly.  

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