> What do you mean "in memory"?

SQL Server will hold as much of the most accessed data pages as it can in
memory once it's loaded from previous queries.  This table gets hit like
crazy, so my guess is that the entire thing is loaded in memory after a
couple of hours.

> And was your DB running on the same hardware as CF?
> The DB has to do the same work in either case (some
> randomization of a million rows), so the overhead
> of the SP/query should be completely lost in the
> mass of time it'd take to deal with the data.

Perhaps "ramdom" wasn't the right word.  The query isn't pulling "random"
rows, but subsets based on a foreign key.  The foreign key that is to be
loaded is not predictable, and there are 10,000+ foreign keys that can be
pulled at any time.

The problem with having the query come directly from ColdFusion was that the
query was different for each foreign key, which required the SQL server to
compile a new query plan (which could be thousands of plans that would get
cycled out of memory as new ones were compiled), which took far longer than
using one plan (from the SP) that was cached.

Using CFQUERYPARAM on that variable may have helped, but I never tested it
that way.  I just went directly from dynamic query to stored procedure and
the CF page response time went down significantly because it no longer had
to wait so long for the SQL server to process the queries.

Even if I have some of the details wrong, that one change made things go a
WHOLE lot smoother.

-Justin Scott

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
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