If the page you want is in c:/cfusionmx/wwwroot/hendler.cfm, try this instead:

<cfinclude template="hendler.cfm" /> or
<cfinclude template="/hendler.cfm" />

On 12/21/05, Matt Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/21/05, Burns, John D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only question I would have is why you're using CFHTTP to grab the
> > file. If it's on your server, you could do a <cfinclude> and it will
> > drop it right in the page. I hope that helps.
> I would love to do that, but tried and it doesn't want to work.  The
> error handler is located at c:/cfusionmx/wwwroot/hendler.cfm, but the
> web site is at c:/mysites/web/subfolder/foo.cfm.
> So I write
> <cfinclude template="../../mysites/web/subfolder/foo.cfm">
> and it breaks the code.  I have no problem traversing up higher than
> the web root for a cfinclude (i.e. along the same branch), but this
> was the first time I tried to traverse up one branch to the drive root
> and back down another.
> --
> --mattRobertson--
> Janitor, MSB Web Systems
> mysecretbase.com

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