Im sorry if im missing something here, but why not just set the full
url that the person is visiting in the session scope:

<cfset session.currentpage = "http://localhost/mypage.cfm?foo=bar"; />

(you could easily string together some cgi variables together to get this)

then it would just be a matter of doing something like:

<cfparam name="session.lastpage" default="" />
<cfset session.currentpage = "http://localhost/mypage.cfm?foo=bar"; />

<cfif session.currentPage EQ session.lastpage>
   Page was refreshed
   Page was not refreshed

<cfset session.lastpage = session.currentpage />

The only thing is, this would not detect *only* someone hitting f5 or
refresh in their browser.  If there was a link on the page that linked
to itself it would count that as a refresh of course.

Also, you could take url variables out of the mix if you needed to by
just not including them from the cgi vars...

On 12/22/05, Bobby Hartsfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ahh so store them in a session or database then and compare on each page
> load/refresh to 'already used UUids'? that would probably work.
> ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Bobby Hartsfield
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:03 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Trying this again w/o the suject hijack (determinig if the
> refresh button has been clicked)
> >Obviously... but what would you be comparing that to?
> You'd have to keep track of each UID that's been visited. You wouldn't have
> to track the UIDs given out, just the ones visited. If a UID is discovered
> that already exists, then the page must have been a refresh.
> Like I said this very, very kludgey at best and I can't perceive any value
> that would be worth the overhead.
> -Dan

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