I used CF Studio 5/HS+ for years and years.  I started with HS2.5.  I
also had years' worth of snippets, shortcuts, macros, code blocks, etc
setup in HS.

Last fall, I decided to try DW8 when it was released.  I, and another
developer that uses a Mac, decided to try it to have a bit of
standardization here.

DW is a bit slower to start than HS.  It has some nice features, but I
miss the snippet variables and the macros.  I have not had time to
really dig into customizing DW yet.

The main feature that always stands out is the smart "auto-close tag"

DW knows the context of the tag you are closing and will automatically
close the correct tag even if you are deep within several levels of
nested tags.  All you need to do is type: </ then DW will do the rest.

My main gripe with DW is that it really can screw up your XML.

If you have an XML element like "<myXMLElem>" and let DW auto-close it,
DW will force the tag to either upper- or lower-case, depending on your
settings, and then you will have invalid XML.  The only way around this
is to use all upper- or lower-case letters in your XML elements (not a
good solution) or to create your own custom tags that refer to your XML
elements (this is ok, but can be a pain to maintain). 

I tried CFEclipse, but I cannot, for the life of me, get the damn
snippets to work.  I have tried the stable builds, the bleeding-edge
builds, but no worky.

The problem I have with the CFE snippets are the main reason I will not
use the Eclipse platform.

My advice is that it's great to try other tools, but if you can't find a
replacement that just knocks your socks off, there is no reason to


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Block [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 8:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: I still use HomeSite+ 5.5 - Should I "Upgrade" to something

Not trying to fire off a crazy debate but this seems like a fantastic
editor... it's got all of the keystore shortcuts I need to be really
productive. However, this editor is 3 years old. Any reason I should use
some other tool? Opinions?

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