I think its a question of money. PHP is free, and most hosting services offer 

>thanks eric - this helps.
>while i now clearly see the CF light...there's gotta be a darkside lurking
>somewhere. yeah? maybe just a little bitty one?
>scenario: i'm a designer trying to steer our team in a good direction but i
>stop at HTML.
>to me, the applications i've seen done in PHP aren't as elegant (?) as
>similar ones in CFM. (PHP has that e-commerce aftertaste)
>so i can feel realatively OK making a recommendation based on an internet
>forum exchange :) ---> if CF is so perfect, why aren't more people using it?
>i understand why coders must love it, but are users as happy? it is buggy?
>thanks so much
>On 3/27/06, Eric Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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