I don't think you can unless you use the embedded features to protect
the documents. However, as with all items, anytime there's security
there's usually some way around it. Setting the file "Read only"
attribute would not really do much if someone knew how to turn it off,
or they could just save it as a different filename. For things like
Powerpoint, you could save it as a .pps file which is just the show
without editing capabilities. However, I'd imagine there's some sort of
utility to make it editable again. Same thing with PDFs. You can set a
password on it but there's probably a way around it. 

John Burns
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
Wyle Laboratories, Inc. | Web Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 4:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: protect downloaded files?

Anyone know if there is a surefire way to make all downloaded files
read-only?  We have a client that wants to have files available to
download, but the original author doesn't want to have them be able to
be edited.  We're talking PowerPoint, Word, PDF files here, BTW.

Any advice on how to make this happen would be appreciated.  We've found
that even using the "Read Only" attribute in the file properties doesn't
persist once a copy has been downloaded to the client.



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