
I said nothing deragatory to you, I asked you to not post on this topic because 
what you had to say wasn't relative to the question asked.

As for the issues you addressed to me publicly I will address them publicly. 
"Sorry if your single, have no kids and/or are unemployed/on welfare, but we
can't all live life the way you do I'm afraid, some of us have bigger
responsibilities in our lives than coldfusion, like feeding the kids and
paying the mortgage." 

I am single, I don't have kids, I am employed, I do have a mortgage. ColdFusion 
is how I pay the bills, so I try to use whatever free time (such as lunch 
breaks or 15 min breaks) I have at work to learn new things. I also use some of 
my time in the morning to surf through some of the blog feeds to see if there 
is anythign I can use on the projects I am working on.

"I'm very happy for you that you have so much free time, but please don't try
and shove your lifestyle down other peoples throats, we don't need any more
dippy Daves on here, one is enough."

I don't know what lifestyle you're talking about. All I said was not to post on 
this topic if you're only feedback was negative comments towards frameworks you 
don't have the time to look at. Don't berate someone publicly because they know 
how to manage their time.

If you have something deragatory to say to me I would rather you do it to my 
personal email and I will address it there. 


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