I'm running into a problem that Pete Freitag has blogged on
(http://www.petefreitag.com/item/22.cfm), but his solution isn't
optimal for me so I'm wondering whether anyone in the audience has an

I have a site in which nearly any URI - even ones that don't exist -
need to redirect to a landing page.  I currently have a custom built
Apache module that handles the redirection, but keeping up with that
is just an extra hassle if I can get mod_rewrite to do what the module
does.  So far, I'm close - very close since I can get it to work - but
not quite where I'd like to be.  I'm hoping someone can help me get

I have the following RewriteRules:
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteRule ^/cfide                -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/CFIDE                -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/bfg                  -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/se                   -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/mod/modules/foo      -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/landingpage.cfm      -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/(.*)                 /landingpage.cfm [QSA]

These work beautifully if the redirected URI - ^/(.*) - ends with .cfm
(e.g. /ack/foo/blah.cfm).  It doesn't work so beautifully if the
redirected URI is something like /ack/foo/blah/ugh.htm or /ack/foo/.
When it bombs it simply displays the file content as though it were

If I add the PT (pass-through) flag to the last rule then it works
great, but the CGI.SCRIPT_NAME variable contains /landingpage.cfm
rather than the URI of the original request (e.g. /ack/foo/).  If I
use that flag, I can get to a point of functional redirection using
the rules below.  For reasons of cleanliness and simplicity, though,
I'd prefer not to use that flag and have the CGI variables carry the
original URI.

Working rules:
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteRule ^/folder1                  -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/folder2                   -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/f3/f4/foo      -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/landingpage.cfm      -                       [L]
     RewriteRule ^/(.*)
/landingpage.cfm?uri=%{REQUEST_URI}     [QSA,PT]

Has anyone else seen this issue and successfully found a way around it?

Any assistance or insight would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Rob Wilkerson

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