I agree with Vince as well. The only problem I see is that .NET comes
integrated with Windows servers which most managers would probably
assume is better regardless of any real facts just because they hear the
hype from Microsoft. If you're in a shop that has Java/J2EE development
going on your managers are probably a little better balanced and realize
each language has it's place. I think that the problem is that while CF
runs on .NET it is also a peer to .NET in terms of web development. I
know Java can also be used as a web development tool but I'm assuming
it's not as widespread as .NET.  It's the managers that are the problem
in all of this. Let's just eliminate them and we'll all be ok :-)

John Burns

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 2:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: MySpace - How they do it: Staff, Software & Servers

Vince Bonfanti wrote:
> I would strongly disagree that there's no "point in Bluedragon.NET
except as a stepping stone to get off of ColdFusion to go to .NET." Is
CFMX just a stepping stone to get off ColdFusion to go to JSP/Java/J2EE?
Of course not.
> Macromedia completely rewrote CFMX because Java/J2EE is a better
platform than the C/C++ codebase of CF 1.0 through CF5, whether you
choose to use the Java/J2EE integration features or not. We wrote
BlueDragon.NET because .NET is a better platform than Java/J2EE on
Windows, whether you choose to use the .NET integration features or not.
See this blog entry for an elaboration:

I just wanted to say that I agree totally with Vince.

the original statement (which I missed) is totally off-base, unless you 
also believe that going with Coldfusion is just a stepping stone to 
going full blown java.

It's just a different integration method, that's all.  Coldfusion and 
Bluedragon JX folks can itnegrate lots of java classes and objects and 
third party tools for doing stuff that the CFML language itself can't 
necessarily handle.

Bluedragon.NET users can natively integrate .NET objects for doing stuff

that CFML itself can't necessarily handle.


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