Is PayPal Pro service different from Verisign's PayFlow Pro?  We've been
using verisign's service for a while now, and although I have to say their
support went down since paypal took them over, we haven't had the problems
you are describing.  There are good examples in CF on how to use the tag,
and it works fairly well.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neal Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:27 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Credit Card merchants
> Hi Rick,
> Well I signed up with the PayPal Pro Service and was able to get it to
> work
> pretty well, although there was a lot of trial and error involved due to
> the
> documentation not being that great for any of the supported languages.
> Second is getting someone from there support team to contact you back...
> its
> like winning the lottery, but you only win 2 bucks.
> Anyway with ColdFusion the support is just not there. They have a few
> basic
> examples but you have to read through all the documentation and write your
> own CF/JAVA objects to make it do anything else.
> And as what made me switch over... After I spent all the time and effort
> to
> finally get the system to work the way I wanted I was told that I also had
> to implement their PayPal Express service too per their agreement.
> Apparently you can't just use their CC Service without also giving the
> Customer the option to use the Express Service as well. The Express
> service
> is the standard PayPal system in API form and if your customer selects
> this
> it takes them out of your professional shopping cart environment and
> places
> them in the PayPal service to make the purchase, after the purchase they
> redirect the customer back to your site. Also there is no sample code or
> support for ColdFusion for this Express API service. And going though all
> this you lose a lot of control and it makes it difficult to track the
> products, User, and shipping info. My particular business is focused on
> women demographics and to though in an alternate payment type like this
> may
> make things too confusing and difficult for the customers.
> So I went with a more professional service, and it turns out it cost me a
> little less too.
> The PayPal Pro service does have a nice system in place but it looks like
> they need to do some serious tweaking and more support for the various
> languages.
> Oh one last thing... their fraud protection is way too sensitive, but you
> do
> have the option of adjusting it and when you do you lose some of your
> protection rights. I placed a few real orders using my own Credit Card and
> some went through and some were declined. I found out that if you place
> more
> that two orders on the same day with the same Card coming from the same IP
> then they flag you. The problem I had is they did not lift the flag for
> about three days. Then I could use my car again.
> Anyway that's the reason I switched. Hope that helps.
> - Neal Bailey
> -
> -
> - Phone: 817-346-2635
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:32 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Credit Card merchants
> Hi, Neal...
> I've been checking into PayPal and would like to know what
> drove you to your conclusion not to use PayPal...specifically,
> what you mean by "it just does not have the support it needs."
> Do you mean features, or what?
> Thanks,
> Rick

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