What if you use a UUID to name the files and that way even if the user knows
the directory, they will never guess FILE NAMES.... And hopefully you have
directory browsing turned off so they cannot view a list of files... I mean,
what does it matter if they know the directory if they can't know the file

Ben Nadel 

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 4:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: hiding an image path

I'll give that a go, i thought about it before but was a lil worried about
performance doing that. thanks

Thats not a real possibility because those same images will be constantly
viewed by hundreds of continuous users 24x7 (hopefully), so I can't be
moving and deleting them all the time it would be murder on the server.

They are basically preview photos that are pulled from the members section
and I dont want to give away the path even though you have to be logged in
to get into that folder. But as I am making this section I think I might
just do it a different way and then I wont have to worry about it.

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