As Doug was saying, we need more info if we're going to help you directly.
Otherwise, here's my advice: Find someone who has been into web server
architecture, get them on the phone and talk about what you have and where
you're headed with it, then work out a plan. Do this with a couple people
because, honestly, everyone's got opinions and nobody is right. There's
enough smart folks on this list who have the experience and are willing to
share it with you (like me).

As for working out a plan, it should be in 3 phases, immediate need, soon
and distant future. For example, if you have a single web/database server,
I'd say an immediate need would be to split those up. Soon, you wold want a
redundant backup server just in case, and in the distant future, you'd want
to load balance those two servers and add more to the cluster.

Generally speaking, Adobe probably won't help (let me know if I'm wrong).
You *could* pay the fees and get ahold of smart people, but most of their
techies in this field are there to fix problems with their software, not
necessarily to help scale your environment.

-nathan strutz

On 8/22/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our directory is becoming increasinginly concerned with the scalability
> of our coldfusion applications as we roll out more or more pieces, and
> start to discuss ways of converting legacy applications to web-based
> apps powered by Flex and Coldfusion.
> He says when you talk to enterprise type companies like IBM, they have
> models and such to help you size your environment, but I'm not entirely
> sure those sorts of things are available for something like a web
> application environment, because there are sooooo many variables.
> Anyway, he's asked me to call Adobe to try to get some information, or
> get information from third parties who have done this kind of thing.
> I don't have a clue, honestly =)
> does anyone have any suggestions?
> Rick

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