> But...my development server is sitting in a remote hosting facility and 
> up until now, I've used CFStudio's FTP capabilities to hit it. I don't 
> plan on installing Subversion in the immediate future so how do I get 
> access to my dev files? Does CFE have FTP functionality?

I'm also, like you, in the process of switching over to cfeclipse from 
CFStudio.  One option you might think about for handling FTP is to use a 
project stored locally, and then use ANT to publish whatever you are 
working on to your development server.  To do this, you have to do a 
couple things...

1.  Download the following jars:

These need to be added to the classpath for ANT...I put the jars into:
and then went to Window/Preferences/Ant/Editor/Runtime in eclipse and 
added them in as External JARs.
Those two JARs add the needed FTP functionality into ANT.

2.  Then you need to have a build.xml file to tell ANT what to do.  In 
my case, I'm doing the development and testing locally, and then use the 
FTP functionality to publish to a staging server, so I have one entry 
for local and one for remote....

(an example build.xml)
<project name="DeployMySite" default="deploy_local">
        <property name="source" value=".\webroot\"/>
        <property name="target" value="c:\somelocalwebroot\"/>
        <target name="deploy_local">
                <copy todir="${target}">
                        <fileset dir="${source}" />
        <target name="deploy_remote">
                <ftp server="ftp.yourdomain.com"
     <fileset dir="${source}"/>

The build.xml can be put in the root of your project, and then you can 
right click on it and Run As/Ant Build.

I'm still muddling my way through the ins and outs of ANT and Eclipse 
and the best methods for deploying, so if anyone has any critiques of 
the above, please send them on.

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