I'm looking for opinions advice here.  My DBA is going nuts over the SQL
Server 2005 reporting services.  He wants to replace our current custom
built (CF) reporting mechanism with it.  I think ColdFusion report
builder would be a better option since we are, after all, a ColdFusion
shop, not .NET.  And not to mention all of our production servers run


Nice features our company seems to want often in reports is the ability
to sort and filter data, add/remove/re-arrange columns from the report.
Keep stats on when the report was last run, by whom, and how long it
took.  Change the server the report runs off of on the fly.


The problem I have is that I know nothing about the SQL Server 2005
reporting service, OR the ColdFusion report builder other than they are
all free.

A couple of the guys on the database team are already playing around
with the SQL version and making a collection of cool reports to use in
their argument for why we should use it.  Before all the pointy-haired
bosses get sold on that I want to make sure ColdFusion report builder
gets its fair say.


Can anyone with experience with one or the other comment on the


Which one is faster?

Which one is better?

Which one has more features when it comes to manipulating the data after
running the report?

Which one will get my morning coffee and bagel for me?

Which one has the easiest learning curve?


I anxiously await advice.





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