Thanks Matt...this covers the two possibilities of upper and lower case ..
Select * from qryResult Where lower(name) Like '%#form.findThis#%' OR
upper(name) Like '%#form.findThis#%'

I guess maybe I should address the other possibilities by eliminating the
uploading of mixed case names on the front end via javascript ;-)

Thanks again!! Bob 

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Quackenbush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Need help searching for files in a directory

QofQ is case sensitive.  So if you search for name LIKE '%Alanis%', it is
NOT the same as searching for '%alanis%', or '%aLaNiS%'.  The force it to be
case-INsensitive, use a couple of functions:

SELECT * FROM qryResult WHERE lower(name) LIKE '%#lCase(form.findThis)#%'

Hope that helps.

On 2/10/07, Bob Imperial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks again for the help on this Gert! I've setup my output but I ran 
> into something I'm not sure of the syntax on how to fix this. When 
> passing the search criteria via my form variable, it only returns 
> exact matches in's what I have setup:
> <cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="D:\wwwsites\mysite\#ThisDir#\"
> name="qryResult"
> filter="#ThisFilter#" recurse="Yes">
> <cfquery name="getFile" dbtype="query">
>     Select * from qryResult Where name Like '%#form.findThis#%'
> </cfquery>

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