On 2/21/07, Andy Tyrone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I feel it's ridiculous to track changes to fields BEFORE the complete data
> set (form) is submitted, unless that is a specific intention of the
> business
> logic, which I don't think in this case it is.  Just because AJAX can do
> all
> that "cool" stuff doesn't mean it should be shoehorned into every
> application orifice possible.

Well, actually, once you go AJAX, you kinda want it everywhere.  It truly
is a different way of doing stuff than the old "static" way.  What's that
quote... we're just now getting back to where we were 10 years ago, UI
wise.... something like that.

And... AJAX IS a display technology.  Is JavaScript and XML doing the
> backend work?  It's merely a conduit to and from the backend, not the
> backend itself.

Much as how CFML is only a conduit to and from Java, or BASIC is only
a conduit to and from machine language (which, java ends up as too, so
I guess CF is a conduit conduit ;)?

What I struggle with is "how, with the least amount of work, do I make
this code function for html,flash,webservices, PDAs, distributed
environments", etc., etc..?  It's brain expanding to think like that. And
is it really possible?  Do you always get to the point where the plane
should be a fighter or a bomber (to reference a nifty book I once read)?
See, if you got a fighter/bomber, it's generally not as good as either
A) fighter or B) bomber.

LOL.  I'm such a dork.

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