You could ingest all the feeds directly into a db on a regular basis, 
then you can query and cherry pick the db when you feed it back out.

It allows you to query the db instead of the feed stream and then you 
could just create your feeds directly based on the queries you create.  
Just make sure you link and credit the original sources when outputting 
the feeds.  I would only do a snippet and then link directly to the 
source to be safe since I didn't write the articles and their sites may 
be depending on advertising etc.

I do this on my little hobby site


Dwayne Cole wrote:
> I have a client aiming to deploy a site that aggregates news from various RSS 
> or XML feeds.  Simple enough if they planned to use the entire feed but this 
> client wants to "cherry pick" from various feeds. They asked me to build an 
> admin tool for this.  My thoughts were to find a RSS Reader or Aggregator to 
> handle the "cherry picking" and from there have the client upload the xml 
> file.
> Any thoughts about this.  I currently use  Pluck for RSS feeds but it does 
> not allow for me to cherry pick and create my own feed.

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