> Why shouldn't we be able to have that sort of power with distributed
> multiuser applications? There is no reason, other than inertia, why we
> can't.

Who says we don't? The apps that I built back in the early 90's worked 
quite well across the Enterprise even before the Internet became 
pervasive and leased lines were the main method of connecting between 
two points. .Net continues to fill that need quite well. I guess I would 
want a real business case for using something like Flex over .Net for a 
desktop application. I'm really willing to understand and I know you're 
one of the best out there so give me some details.

> I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not saying you shouldn't use
> AJAX, or HTML, or anything else. I'm not saying that you should immediately
> rewrite everything in Flex. What I am saying, is that HTML is a
> fundamentally flawed delivery mechanism for applications, and that
> ultimately we should be looking for a replacement (perhaps Flex) rather than
> an incremental improvement (AJAX).

Gotcha. I think understand what you're saying now and I think that's 
basically what I said when I stated "nor do I believe that Ajax and
related technologies are the technologies to build those types of
applications". I see the slew of JS libraries as offering a nice suite 
of tools to progressively enhance web applications and I think a lot of 
them do provide for some fairly good desktop-like experiences but I 
don't see them as a replacement for desktop apps. When I develop using 
JS/DOM/Ajax etc, I don't go in trying to build a desktop app. I go in 
trying to enhance the user's web experience which I think these tools 
are really good for.

> That said, Flex applications can perform reasonably well even with
> relatively slow connections. I should know, since I often use a slow
> connection (my cell phone as a modem) for all sorts of things. 1xRTT is a
> little faster than dialup, not much.

Send me a link to one of your Flex apps and I'll try it out via a cell 
phone and a dialup connection. I really would like to see the performance.

Depending on what I see, that may actually help me believe more in a 
technology like Flex than hearing that http & html are flawed delivery 
mechanisms. As you suggested, they weren't designed to build the next 
generation RIAs but they are serving that purpose at the moment and in 
many cases, quite successfully. But if Flex or OpenLazlo can better 
handle those needs while not forcing sites to shun 20% of online users, 
then I can see the value.


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