You will have a hard time convincing me that one methodology is better than 
another.  You can not separate the methodology from the developer's 
(individuals and development shops) acquired skills, preferences, and other 
best practices.  I bet there are few people who use any one of these 
methodologies exclusively or with out some sort of customization.  

It would be helpful however to compare how each framework handles common 
functions for example.  I break my applications up in to a Model, View, 
Controller files.

Model files (.cfm or.cfc) handle my database interactions particularly my CRUD 
functions.  I'm split as to whether i should develop my Model files and .cfc's 
or .cfm and call them when I need them.

View files are responsible for display side.  I wrap display code (list, forms 
etc) with functions and cfsavecontent.  

Controller files are responsible for controlling user request and I use a 
modified fusebox approach. For example index.cfm?action = dothis.  The index 
file is basically a <cfswitch expression with many cfcases.  

>From a framework perspective, I would be interesting in knowing:

1). What framework best manages variable scoping (what should go into the 
application scope, what should go into request scope etc)

2). What framework leverages the best practices for setting up and integrating 
"Model" level functionality. (Transfer, Reactor ect)

3). What framework leverages the best practices for structuring and calling 
"View" or "display" oriented functionality.

4). What framework leverages the best practices for organizing "Controller 

5). What framework leverages the best library of UDF's for extending 
coldfusion's data, formatting, scheduling, etc functions.

Basically each framework works better on one level or another but fall short of 
others.  I would like to see a move towards "FRAMEWORK SEGMENTATION" for 
example a strong framework for handling "Model" level functions in a way that 
allows me to use something else for handling my "View" components.  Likewise a 
strong and flexible "View" framework (including integrated gui css) the 
leverages Ajax and allows for one to output "smart" list, web 2.0 forms, etc.  
Finally, a framework that effectively handles "application" specific variables, 
what types of application variables should be stored in what scope and in what 
form (database, .txt file, xml etc)  For example most store DSN in the 
application scope. I also store my navigation system in the application scope.  

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:27:27 +0100

>A good post, though I thought ORM stood for Object Relational/ship Mapping

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