Most of the benefits from a framework (at least in my view) come from
the bookkeeping that the framework takes care of automatically.  For
example, ColdSpring manages dependency injection, so I don't have to
write any code to do that.  ColdSpring also provides AOP functionality
which provides a very nice way to wrap functionality around other
existing functionality, and again, takes care of all the mundane
accounting that is required to make that work.

Similar examples exist for other frameworks.  All the Front Controller
frameworks provide configuration languages for the app (which you
don't have to write), automated caching of execution plans (so you
don't have to write them), a framework for managing intra-request
state (so you don't have to write one), etc.

Frameworks also provide consistency between applications.  If I've
worked on a FB5 app anywhere, chances are good I'll be able to switch
to a different FB5 app (quite possibly at a different company in a
different industry) and already understand that app to a very high
degree.  That's very valuable if you have a growing or rotating staff.

In short, there's nothing you NEED a framework for, but there are a
lot of smart developers out there, and I generally prefer to trust
code that someone else wrote (and tested, exercised, and then released
to a large community) over code that I wrote (with no other vetting).
Especially for the mundane (but VERY important) glue bits.  And this
perspective has nothing to do with CF, it's global to programming,
which is why there is such a huge affection for Spring, Struts,
Hibernate, Tapestry, etc., etc. beyond CF's borders.

It's worth mentioning also that your current framework/methodology
seems effortless to you largely because you're very familiar with it,
and understand all it's ins and outs.  A new framework will
automatically seem a lot more cumbersome initially, because you lack
that familiarity with it.


On 5/2/07, Jeff Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We've (our development team) been using Dreamweaver, and we use it internally 
> for checking in/out documents. We write CFCs and utilize Dreamweaver's 
> "Components" tab. We use store all of our "most used code" in snippets that 
> we all share, and we're all trained Computer Science graduates (not designers 
> or graphic artists who "picked up" web "programming")...
> Why would we use a framework? What would be the benefit?
> I only ask because all of these framework discussions always leave me with 
> the feeling of, "hmmm... that sounds really 'neat' but with our workflow it 
> seems really redundant..." or perhaps better said, "that seems like a lot of 
> overhead to achieve what we already achieve pretty effortlessly"...
> Is there something I'm missing from a framework that I don't get from simply 
> utilizing all the tools available in Dreamweaver? Even Ajax, which gave me 
> pause a few months ago, thinking, "hmmm, now I *might* need a framework to 
> implement some of these whiz-bang Ajax doo-hickeys" now seems a thing of the 
> past with Spry shipping with Dreamweaver CS3.
> Am I missing something? We don't re-write code. We re-use everything. It's 
> all available in our snippet library, and our CFCs are constantly being 
> reused. Is there something more that we could be doing with a framework that 
> we're not able to do without it?
> I just thought it seemed like an "appropriate" question because of the 
> framework threads that have been popping up all over the place lately... got 
> me thinking and all...
Barney Boisvert

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