> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 4:43 PM
> Subject: Need hekp with INstallation of CF7 & Apache
> I have CF 7 installed on its built in websercer on p[ort 8300 
> using the multi configuration setup. However I need it to be 
> served up by apache 1.3.x which is on another server, 
> seperate from the CF box - both Solaris unix servers.

You have three options:

* Give up.

* Move CF onto the web server or Apache onto the CF server.

* Create a proxy in Apache to pipe requests over to the ColdFusion
server.  This is basically what most Rails developers do if they don't
use CGI so there are lots of tutorials on it.

Simply sharing the files via e.g. NFS wouldn't work as you need to share
the processes, not the data.

Your best best is the second option, though the third would work pretty
well too.

Damien McKenna
Web Developer
The LIMU Company

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

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