There are also a lot of jobs for McDonalds late shift workers.


My current programming job is 95% coldfusion, and the ad was for a
perl developer.
My last job was 85% coldfusion, 15% Director and the ad was for "web developer"
My previous job was for "Foxpro Developer", and it was 25% foxpro, 50%
pl/sql and oracle, and a mix of documentum, installer scripts, netware
vlms, etc.

Many places that are hiring have no idea how to classify their
programming needs.

Even at this job, the 95% coldfusion is just the main application
server environment. All day today has been SQL Server, Javascript,
HTML, CSS, some design work, and some ia specing.

I have found that the way the job description reads, and the
technologies described, is usually an indicator of the type of
development environment, the management understanding of technology,
and the development methodology as much as it is an actual request for
technology proficiency.

A job that specs .NET and all MS technologies is often a very rigid,
MS dominated, corporate environment that values certifications more
than seat time and documentation over creativity.

Same is true for PHP/LAMP/Open Source development houses. The choice
of these technologies can be a huge clue into the budget priorities of
a group, which will often affect pay scales and any outlay of real
dollars (sometimes penny smart and pound foolish). Not always, of
course, but often enough in my life to have a question going in.

Some thoughts from my head.

On 6/12/07, Ali Majdzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I was searching for job offers in Australia in here
> If you search for CF job offers it brings only 23 jobs which more than half 
> are not even only for CF developers and some are for other languages like PHP 
> or .NET. When I searched for PHP it came out with a few hundreds but with 
> .NET 2334 matching results????!!!!!!!
> I love CF but it seems even Python is more popular or at least the search 
> engine comes with better results with it (about 50 offers).
> I really don't understand why such a powerful and easy langauge should have 
> such a low job offers in Australia! I really don't know about USA but it 
> seems the same thing is true in the USA to.
> You know I just say it as a theory cause I really love CF and I won't migrate 
> it till and only if Adobe kills the product but it seems if we started with 
> PHP or .Net at the begining now we were more and better employed than now.
> Please write your opinions.

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