Another thought:

You don't need 2334 jobs. You need one job (ok, maybe 2)

Hopefully it's the quality not the quantity that matters.

On 6/12/07, Ali Majdzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I was searching for job offers in Australia in here
> If you search for CF job offers it brings only 23 jobs which more than half 
> are not even only for CF developers and some are for other languages like PHP 
> or .NET. When I searched for PHP it came out with a few hundreds but with 
> .NET 2334 matching results????!!!!!!!
> I love CF but it seems even Python is more popular or at least the search 
> engine comes with better results with it (about 50 offers).
> I really don't understand why such a powerful and easy langauge should have 
> such a low job offers in Australia! I really don't know about USA but it 
> seems the same thing is true in the USA to.
> You know I just say it as a theory cause I really love CF and I won't migrate 
> it till and only if Adobe kills the product but it seems if we started with 
> PHP or .Net at the begining now we were more and better employed than now.

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