Hi Russ,

well you really should take a look at Railo. Railo 2 is MX 7.02 
compatible and you could easily use it instead of other engines. The 
Railix version for instance is a zip file that you can just unpack into 
a directory and start it with a batch or sh file. No installation necessary.
Furthermore Railo supports all common Frameworks like Fusebox 5.x, 
MachII 1.x, ModelGlue, Coldspring, Coldbox etc...

Just give it a try.

More here:

http://www.railo.ch and http://www.railo.ch/blog

Gert Franz
Customer Care
Railo Technologies GmbH

Join our Mailing List
english: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/railo_talk/

Russ schrieb:
>> Russ wrote:
>>> Maybe someone should make a free/open source CF server.  That would
>> probably
>>> get more people using it.  Of course once you've invested this much time
>>> into developing a product like that, it's hard not to start charging for
>> it.
>>> (Didn't CF5 and BlueDragon start out as free products?)
>> There are free and cheap engines out there.
>> Someone mentioned Smith already, there's also Railo's community edition
>> (and their other editions are very reasonable too).
> I haven't looked at these yet in depth, but are they compatible enough to be
> useful?  I remember even BD having compatibility issues.  
>> BD has a free edition too - I don't recall CF5 ever being free though,
>> unless it was some kind of upgrade promotion when Macromedia launched it
>> post-Allaire?
> BD has a free edition, but it's pretty much useless as are the rest of their
> J2EE editions.  The free edition doesn't support SSL and is not for
> commercial use, which makes it useless for most projects.  The J2EE version
> is around the same price or more expensive then Adobe's and doesn't really
> provide any extra features, while not supporting many of Adobe's features.  
> The only value I see in BD is if you want to run on the .NET platform.  It
> probably also helps if you  need to use more then 2 GB of ram for your app
> (Although I'm not sure how well .NET would run with that much memory being
> used).  
> As far as free CF5, I'm talking about the product Macromedia bought to make
> CF5 (or 6), which I believe was tagfusion, which was the first, I believe,
> CF clone that was created in Java. 
> Russ

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