Thanks Kevin, I saw an earlier post of yours that mentioned how you  
didn't like using sessions with flash, and that is was a pain in the  

Technically though, this shouldn't have much to anything to do with  
flash or remoting. I'm working on a chat application and have it all  
working except for one final thing. I store each user in a db table.  
When a user closes their browser window, I want to delete them from  
the table. Flash doesn't care (or know) that the window was closed so  
I'm turning to a server side solution. What I'm trying to do is store  
their name somewhere on the server, and then be notified when they  
leave. The only thing I've found so far is Sessions, and the  
onEndSession event. Where I'm stuck is knowing a) where to stick the  
variable I need when inside the cfc called by flash, b) how to get  
the onEndSession event to fire, and c) how to reference the variable.


On Jun 12, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Kevin Aebig wrote:

> I personally don't like to use Sessions with Flash. I basically do  
> a CFLogin
> to authenticate for the service calls, than pass back any needed  
> vars and
> hold them in Flash. I can think of a few situations where this won't
> accomplish the end goal, but for most of my projects it's worked fine.
> Cheers,
> !k

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