It used to be that the computer industry (CIS and CS) were as a science
program rather than the current zeitgeist of a business program.  In
science, as someone else studiously pointed out, whether a word was spelled
with uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or capitalized words, would
determine what that word actually meant, what the person was speaking about.

Lets take the name of our product here...
ColdFusion == "Middle tier programming language"
Cold Fusion == "Doctor Who novel"
cold fusion == "low energy nuclear reactions"

Same spelling, completely different meanings. 

Also, just because a language is Case-insensitive 'does not' mean that you
should treat it that way.  If the application your are editing was built
with a specific 'case plan' in mind. Eg.  local vars are lower case, session
vars are uppercase, functions are mixed case, etc. then you should follow
that same methodology.  This helps not only new programmers to the code to
understand and follow what you have done, but also helps YOU when you come
back to an application after 3 years and can't remember exactly how
something was written.

Also, SQL is a case-insensitive language (except when referring to the
content of a column, which can be very case-sensitive).  But databases can
vary.  So if you write your SQL as if the dB was case-sensitive, then an
upgrade, update, or complete change of the database won't effect the code

Hope this helps 
William E. Seiter
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-----Original Message-----
From: Billy Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 6:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Case Sensitivity

Very true.

If case sensitivity is not an asset to software development, then it is a

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 8:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Case Sensitivity

 >>The rest of the world should not be crippled by Microsoft's mistakes.

Case insensivity Microsoft's mistake?
C'mon, case sensitive languages has been the most stupid thing and worse 
innovation in whole computer science history.
It has been a source of many errors, much more often than it helped 
programmers in their work.

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