On 10/14/07, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Data changes should not be triggered by GET requests.

Whilst I agree and that guides whether I use GET or POST within my UI
(and it's OK to use method="get" on forms if they are query-only forms
such as searches), I would question whether it's really important
*inside* your application code to distinguish between GET and POST.

Question to Dave: do your applications actually verify that any data
changing requests really use POST?

Suggestion to Matt et al: since all you really need to ensure is that
certain requests came from a POST, you can write a filter (or whatever
equivalent your framework de jour supports) that checks the request
was a POST and encapsulate the logic in that one place (testing
CGI.HTTP_METHOD). Then for a data changing request, just add that
filter and you're done.

Fusebox example: in <prefuseaction> on your controller circuit, check
the fuseaction against a list of "must use POST" fuseactions and check
the CGI variable:

<set name="dataChangingActions" value="doupdate,dosomething" />
        <if condition="CGI.HTTP_METHOD is 'POST'">
                <!-- illegal GET -->
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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