Look at some AOP framework for CF, and you'll find out.

Coldspring - http://www.coldspringframework.org/ : From what I saw in the code, 
they use CFFILE to generate the cfm and CFINCLUDE it.  They called it "dynamic 
compilation" - 

LightWire - http://lightwire.riaforge.org/ : Don't know how they did it, but 
they claimed their way is more efficient.  Author of this project is Peter 
Bell, the owner of the blog posted abouve. 


>Is it possible to programmatically add/update functions to an instantiated
>I've made one attempt to add one by calling the getMetaData function, but
>nothing I added to the meta data seemed to update the object's method list.
>Is there another way to go about doing this, or am I on the right track?

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