My company has a homegrown eCommerce solution, shopping cart.  We run several 
linux CF MX7 servers behind a Cisco CSS load balancing appliance.

A little setup before the question: normally, we receive on average, between 
25-50 orders per hour.   Every once in a while, we get these breaks in our 
order patterns (yes,it's vague, but I'm talking like 3 orders in one hour where 
we'd normally get 20).  Management is all over our IT team to find out why 
these breaks happen.

I am able to look at the Cisco appliance and see average number of users on 
each cart, I can look at the load on the linux web/CF servers using top (just 
to see if they're loaded down).  The carts seem a little slow, but THAT much 
slower than normal.

**My real question, after all this setup: what kind of tools, services, 
software could one use to look deeper into the CF server processes.  
FusionReactor?  More?  We need to be able to definitively log information as 
baselines, and prove to management that it's not our servers or necessarily our 
code.  If it is the servers or code, then great, we'll fix it if we know where 
to look.

I'd love to hear suggestions or even references of people that have experience 
in tracking this stuff down.  I need help.

Thanks in advance.  I can give more details, but I have a feeling we need a 
deeper look into the CF MX 7 servers to see if memory/locks servers restarting, 

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