>Jim Davis said: 
>> I know it won't validate, but can't you do that now?
>> I would expect CF to ignore any unknown attributes.
>Way back when, CF5 and prior, it would throw errors on attributes it
>didn't recognize. When CF6 was introduced they allowed you to add
>whatever arbitrary attributes you want to cfcomponent, cffunction,
>cfargument and cfproperty tags so you could use that metadata via
>getMetaData() -- with other tags I'm not sure, haven't tried it. But
>it's likely that the server might already ignore unrecognized attributes
>on tags by default. So yeah, you could possibly get away with it,
>although I tend to agree with Dave Watts' comments regarding its

As do I, personally.  But I'm also of two minds on the issue:

While I wouldn't use such a feature (for all the reasons already stated) some 
people clearly might.  In the end consistency and workability is more important 
to me.  If this guy finds this useful and, most importantly, is consistent with 
his usage then great.

Anything that lets us remember what the hell we were thinking a year later 
can't be all bad.  ;^)

Of course there are other considerations.  I think the most important one is 
"are you inflicting this system on others?"  If so, and they DON'T understand 
then your consistency means nothing - you must be consistent within your 
workgroup for anything like this to truly work.

I've actually gone further and created my own comment tag and parsing engine 
for CFC development... probably "worse" that this to many people but it works 
wonders for me and allows me to self-document my code pretty darn well.

In any case any documentation, whether it's via strict comments, code markup, 
naming conventions, etc is definately more good than bad.  But it only works 
really when everybody involved works together.

Jim Davis 

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