Both possibly. The page is about 200k, so not massive but not small by any
means. I've removed some of this by taking out some small gifs, to see if
that makes a difference. But I think the main bottleneck is running over the
records and outputting them. Rather like a large CFDUMP can slow the page
right down.

Problem is, they _like_ this page. A lot. So my words just aren't getting
through right now. Maybe I'll cc them on the Fusion reactor alerts and see
if that changes their minds!



-----Original Message-----
From: Dominic Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 March 2008 00:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: refactoring a page to use paged results and possible impact o n
Google rankings

> I'm thinking it's times when the server is under a heavier load that 
> is when I'm getting these slow page alerts (+ 15 seconds in this 
> case).

Have you measured what is taking the time? I.e. is it the server serving up
the page data or the client downloading the data to the browswer (or both)?
If it is a very heavy page for the user to download then screw whatever SEO
benefits there might be - the situation is only going to get worse over time
and the page is going to be pretty unusable even once loaded (no one wants
to scroll down for ever to find what they're looking for). Im preaching to
the converted though I'm sure ;)

If they're being stubborn, ask them to find competitors' websites / modern
popular sites in general that DON'T paginate their indexes. Not very many I


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