CF is a server-side language, while JavaScript is a client-side
language.  As long as you have a data interchange format (JSON, XML,
etc.) that both support, you're golden.  Some toolkits, like GWT or
DWR (not on your list), are centered around a more unified
server/client side application and force your hand on both sides of
the interchange, but in general, the two halves are pretty distinct
from each other.

Short answer: pick whatever you want - using CF on the server side is
nearly irrelevant.


On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi: I decided to use a JS library/framework to enhance the UI of my sites. I
>  googled a lot and found out that there are many of them. I make a short list
>  here:(thanks to google and wikipedia)
>  Google Web Toolkit, AJILE, Backbase, CssQuery, Dojo, Toolkit, mootools, Ext,
>  JQuery, MochiKit, Moo.fx, OpenLink AJAX Toolkit, Prototype,   Qooxdoo,
>  Rialto Toolkit, Rico,, SmilScript, Spry framework, Yahoo! UI
>  Library
>  These where what I found. I believe there are some more out there that I
>  couldn't find. My question is: Which one will help me as a beginner in using
>  such libraries/frameworks plus has a future plus has good compatibility with
>  Coldfusion. I know that CF8 has some EXT 1.0 integrations and YUI and I
>  heard a lot about Jquery. But I really appreciate it if you write you
>  opinions about each of the libraies I listed. What I really need is a
>  simple, light and powerful one that gives me better client-side effects and
>  form options(for example validation).
>  Thanks
>  Ali

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