> Hi all,
> I am hoping someone can help me out here. I have been trying to 
> install CF8 on my new Windows 2003 virtual dedicated server. I use the 
> Standalone Server configuration, installed on all IIS websites. After 
> the install I am getting 401.3 errors when I try to access the CF 
> Administrator or Plesk login.
> I recently reprovisioned the server, so everything is back to the 
> original state, before the CF install.
> Here is the IP address of my server:
> An example site hosted on my server: http://www.modologies.com/
> It is a GoDaddy server, and it seems like it has to do with user 
> permissions. Unfortunately, user permissions in Server 2003 is not my 
> strong suit.
> There are some documented cases I found in a google search but none of 
> them really provided any results. I am hoping someone can point me in 
> the right direction. I think it is in regards to this problem: 
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321390/en-us. It could also be 
> something in regards to this as well: http://kb.adobe.
> com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=a9eb1bad&sliceId=1
> Plesk and the one website I have setup in Plesk continue to work, 
> until the CF8 install reaches this point: "Installing Web Server 
> Connectors"
> EDIT: I should note, if someone has experience installing CF8 in 
> Windows 2003 Server, I will give you the details to Remote Desktop to 
> my server. If you describe the problem and how you fixed it i'll 
> PayPal you some cash (like $50 or something)...
> Thanks,
> -Erik 


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