I use Dreamweaver.  I realize that it is not ideal for CF; however, as I pull 
double-duty as a designer and developer, it makes sense to use Dreamweaver 
since it is so good at the design side, as well as supporting CF syntax (and a 
host of others, as already mentioned).

So for a developer, Eclipse is probably best, but if you dip into both design 
and dev, Dreamweaver is a great product.

>I'm one of these (apparently) rare Dreamweaver CF coders. We get code
>onto our test server with FTP and DW just makes this too easy.
>The new version (in beta, as mentioned before) not only has SVN
>integration (yay!) but it has code hinting for JQuery, Prototype and
>Spry, AIR authoring and the related files/code navigator tools.
>On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Michael Christensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey guys
>> We've been talking 'round the office about which editor is best for 
>> Coldfusion.
>> A couple of us use HomeSite, others use (CF)Eclipse.
>> What are YOU using and why? All comments are welcomed.
>mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

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