Just to add to Brian's comments:  it can also be useful to just lay down
some integration tests using Selenium or the like prior to a TDD refactoring
effort.  You'll be going through and reviewing the existing functionality
anyway, so you might as well record how it behaves.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neb o'Gwbl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, 13 July 2008 6:44 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Agile coldfusion
> Hello all,
> I've just started work at a company that is in the middle of
> moving to an agile development process who use coldfusion,
> javascript and pl/sql.
> I have a couple of questions where you hopefully will be able to
> point me in the right direction ...
> Given that most agile texts are geared towards object oriented
> development and that there are unit testing frameworks for
> coldfusion and pl/sql, how do developers approach agile
> techniques in an environment with mostly procedural code?
> Where are there examples of realistic unit tests and refactoring
> in coldfusion (or pl/sql)? Does anyone really do this? 'Toad'
> doesn't have an 'extract method' function ...
> How do you, at a code level, seperate ui from domain logic in an
> environment like this?
> How does domain driven design fit in here?
> Thanks for taking the time to read this and forgive me if I've
> asked in the wrong list,
> Neb.

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