Its not a matter of unfairly singled out as I have made the same request to
a number of people in the past. Conferences and hosting companies have been
the main ones but they have not been alone. When I saw the post with its
full feature list and then a "demo version", it yelled sales post to me. I
prefer to review sales type posts before they are sent and to make sure that
they are properly notes as being sales posts. I'd like to keep this list as
technically specific as possible. I've deleted and moved threads in the past
to try and keep the technical quality here.

As for increasing the popularity of ColdFusion products, I'm not only all
for it but I do what I can to help in various ways. In the latest Flex
Authority, we did a review on two Flex information sites. Doing a product
review where the product brings something to the community (rather than just
a sales review) is well within the mission scope of the two journal lines
(both online and in print).

The main problem here is that the rebuke was public rather than private. I
have to make one public once in a while to make sure people know what's
going on. I'm sorry that Marius got hit with it.

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