Brad Wood wrote:
> How do you define "working"?  When you can't place CFCs or XML objects in 
> your session scope without ugly erros, I don't call that working. 
> Serialization of complex objects has plauged session replication for a 
> while.  CF8 made CFCs serializable and that was very good, but to this day 
> (and to my knowledge), ColdFusion is still incapable of serializing complex 
> variables (Arrays, Dates, Query objects) within a CFC. (Adobe Bug #70580)
> I know there are people who use session replciation, but in general, my 
> perception (from this list anyway) is that a lot of people have simply 
> enabled sticky sessions and then clocked out.
I define working in that we host about 130 applications, and none have 
had issues (beyond that MachII app) in 2 years with our setup.  At 
least, I've not had any complaints.  Now, we do use session stickiness 
in addition to the replication, so in theory we wouldn't have any issues 
unless the server goes down.  We've actually had 98+% uptime on the 
servers, so maybe we just don't come across it?  Mayhap we just have 
really boring devs that don't serialize objects.  I don't know.
> I'm not sure what you speak of, but to my knowledge this is not operation 
> out of the box since cfchart's cache location defaults to a local directory. 
> (Which is why it qualifies in my gotcha catagory) Your options are to cache 
> to a shared network location, or enable some sort of file replication beween 
> your chart caching folders.  Keep in mind, I didn't say it was impossible. 
> I simply said it was a gotcha.
> To my knowledge, cfimage does not allow customization of the caching folder.
Yes, sleep addled brain at work here.  I should say that since all of 
the sessions should stick, we don't typically have an issue with 
CFCHART.  Although, I should look at setting those folders as targets 
for our DFS shares.

I guess the only real thing I have going here is that, in my experience, 
life has been 1000x better since we've moved to multi-server with 
session replication and stickiness.  Customers and the public no longer 
catch a 500 server error (which happened frequently before I came on 
board).  The only complaint I've had for our public facing servers in 
the last few months is an issue with our front end balancer.  If a 
CFHTTP request gets routed back to the same server making the request, 
the load balancer fails the request.  This only applies to non-CFM 
related requests, so calls to XML files and images would fail 
intermittently.  The workaround for that is to use things like CFFILE 
instead, but I have no control over the front end load balancer.

Matthew Williams
Geodesic GraFX

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