We did the same sort of thing. Except we ended up using subdomains...
site1.mysite.com site2.mysite.com and bypassed rewrite issue entirely.


On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> So I want to set up multiple web site subdirectories that all use the same
> code.
> www.somedomain.com/site01/
> www.somedomain.com/site02/
> www.somedomain.com/site03/
> www.somedomain.com/site04/
> when accessing these sites, the URL should never really change, and
> coldfusion should see #cgi.script_name# as /site01/index.cfm
> /site02/index.cfm etc..
> I can do this with IIS virtual directories, but we will have thousands
> of web sites.
> I wondered if ISAPI Rewrite can allow me to rewrite *ANY* subdirectory
> call to another subdirectory...
> ie, rewrite /.*?/ to /site/ ... but still have CF know that the URL
> was /site01/ /site02/ etc...
> --
> Rick Root
> New Brian Vander Ark Album, songs in the music player and cool behind
> the scenes video at www.myspace.com/brianvanderark

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